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Car Purchase

Updated: Feb 28, 2022

When we first arrived on these shores, we had to be cost conscious.

Aloke da was more so. He had to buy a car and decided to get a new one because he believed he’d have to deal with the previous owner’s headaches if he bought a used car.

At the new car dealership, Aloke da asked for the most economic model. The salesman took him to car on the lot and explained the basic features to him. But he waxed eloquent about the car radio.

The audio system was stereophonic, the radio had FM channels on top of AM, the reception was extraordinary, the tuning was manual with presets, etc.

Aloke da patiently heard the man go on and on. When the sales talk was over, Aloke da asked, “Do you think you remove the radio from this car and give me a reduced price?”

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