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Introduction To Electronic Commerce 3rd Edition Turban Pdf Zip ((HOT))

In recent years, social commerce evolved into an emerging phenomenon of global interest for marketers, businesses, and researchers alike. In light of this development, it is not surprising that the number of publications focusing on this phenomenon at the interplay of electronic commerce and social media has been rising substantially. The goal of this paper is to provide a structured overview of social commerce research by means of a structured literature review. Based on our literature search between 2007 and 2014 resulting in 116 published papers, we carve out and assess the knowledge and the research areas that have been predominantly addressed by the Information Systems, Electronic Commerce, and Marketing research community so far. By providing a research agenda, we hope that our results will stimulate and guide future research in this exciting field.

introduction to electronic commerce 3rd edition turban pdf zip


In any case, we can reason that social commerce is strongly connected to or based on social media and electronic commerce. Thereby, electronic commerce technologies focus mainly on the efficiency of transactional processes in terms of facilitating purchasing processes and information search, while social media enhances the shopping experience through the possibility of community interaction with other users.

The largest number of articles can be attributed to outlets in the field of IS with 51 publications, thereof 29 articles in conference proceedings and 22 articles in journals, while 50 articles were published in electronic commerce journals and 15 articles in marketing journals. In the field of IS, the journals containing most of the articles are Information Systems Research (5 articles), the Journal of the Association for Information Systems (4 articles), and the Journal of Management Information Systems (4 articles). The majority of articles on social commerce related topics in the field of IS can be found in the proceedings of the International Conference of Information Systems (23 articles). The most receptive journals for social commerce research in the field of electronic commerce are the International Journal of E-Commerce (17 articles), the Journal of E-Commerce Research (14 articles), and Electronic Commerce Research (13 articles). Regarding the area of marketing, one of the selected leading marketing journals, namely the Journal of Marketing Research (5 articles), is among the overall top five outlets, followed by the Journal of Marketing (2 articles), the Journal of Consumer Research (2 articles) as well as Marketing Science (2 articles). In sum, it can be argued that, so far, electronic commerce journals have been the most receptive outlets for social commerce research (58 % of 87 articles) (cf. Fig. 2).

Further analyses with respect to the research disciplines led to interesting findings as well: In IS the most frequently used research methods are surveys, experimental studies, and longitudinal studies. In comparison, in the field of electronic commerce, survey is the dominant research method as well, followed by conceptual development, and case study, while experimental study is less widely used. Finally, case study and survey are the most popular research methods in the discipline of marketing (Fig. 5).


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