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Buy Berry Plants Free

What could be better than a bowl of fresh picked berries from the berry plants in your own backyard? We make growing your own fresh berries, from your own berry plants simple and rewarding. Our berry plants are selected specially for your home garden for high performance and yield. On this page, you'll find all of our berry bushes and shrubs, from blackberries, to raspberries and strawberries.Berries and berry plants have been an American treasure for centuries. The blackberry, blueberry, raspberry and the strawberry plants for sale are all native to North America and counted among the many treasures early explorers took back to Europe.

buy berry plants

Berry plants, bushes and vines are perfect for planting in a wide range of spaces. You'll find exactly what your taste buds desire with the variety of berry plants for sale at Willis Orchard Company. Berries grown from the varieties of berry plants listed here are perfect for fresh eating, freezing, canning or making pies, cobblers, jams, jellies and more! The possibilities with berries are endless. Many berries are a wonderful source vital vitamins and nutrients. You can plant berries in your own yard or vineyard. The berry fruit these bushes and vines produce is delicious, from sweet to tart!Ready to get started with your own home berry plant orchard? Give our knowledgeable, friendly staff a call about trees today!

Berry PlantsFor many, childhood memories include traipsing across unchartered land searching out new discoveries and adventures. Surely amid those travels many of us came across berry plants and contrary to our parents' warnings to never eat anything that we simply happened across, we would stealthily pluck the berries from their host and gobble them whole and juicy.

This is one of the world's most natural - most base - joys; and something that we can continue to experience today on our land. With your own home orchard you can cultivate your own berry plants and ensure that everything from blueberries to strawberries are ripe for the picking!

At Willis Orchard Company it has been our ongoing commitment to always offer the finest selection of berry plants for our customers. In our experience, the planting, caring for and harvesting of berry plants offers a host of benefits - something that those who have never done it can only imagine. We are lovers of the outdoors - of what nature can supply to us and how, through the tending of the things that we grow, we can reap great rewards, personal satisfaction and growth.

Economical Value - If you've been to the grocery store lately, you know the prices that are garnered for berries of all kinds. It can be downright unaffordable to eat healthy in this day and age. With the planting of our own berry plants, you free yourself from the economic stress associated with eating well.

Chemical-Free - When you buy your berries from a store, you have no way of knowing what pesticides or other chemicals they were treated with or exposed to throughout their journey to your kitchen. When you grow your own berries, you can have the peace of mind that comes with knowing that your berries are completely and totally chemical free. Not only that, you grew these berries from your own berry plants!

Feeling of Accomplishment - Theres nothing that can adequately explain the feeling of self-accomplishment that comes with being able to walk right outside your door and pick your own berries right from your own berry plants. Join in the fun and plant your own home orchard today!

Berries Unlimited only provides tissue cultured and virus indexed plants for blueberry bushes and plants, and that ensures the health of the plant, our customer's success, and to get the most yield possible. For the best results we have broken them up into Northern blueberry plants and bushes and southern blueberry plants and bushes. Our plants are 2 to 4 + years old ready for planting. Blueberry bushes are comparatively long-lived plants. On the average, they can produce at peak yields for many years. Most bushes will live and bear for more than 50 years, as long as they are properly maintained. Blueberry bushes have a profusion of white/pink blossoms in late spring, leaves which are glossy green, blue-green in summer and outstanding colored foliage in autumn. Besides fruit production, they are beautiful ornamental and are used in a variety of landscapes. Blueberries make great hedges! And Tea made from blueberry leaves (tops picked before bearing) is healthy and delicious! For larger berries and higher yields, it is better to have 2-3 varieties.

There is a lot of confusion Northern varieties vs Southern varieties. For example, Duke is considered a northern blueberry but the number one blueberry planted in North Carolina is Duke! You can grow some of hardier Southern varieties in the North, zone 5: O'Neal, Sunshine Blue. We allow you to Shop Blueberries by Hardiness Zone to make ordering for Your Zone easier. Do not forget, please, you can check your Hardiness Zone on our Zone Map. Just click the button on the left.

NOTE: We ship blueberries ALL YEAR round! FedEx will e-mail you a tracking number. FedEx will also report in at least 3 emails about your parcel in details! Please, indicate on your order when you want your plants shipped.

We do not sell bare root plants. Please, do not use cedar or any other acidic mulch or any colored mulch, do not apply any mulch until the plants are rooted in and established! Keep 2 ft circle mulch free for a while. We reccomend Pine mulch. Oak is possible too. All our 1 gallon plants are at least 3 years old. Our 1-year-old -1.5-year-old tissue cultured plants are ready to go into 1 gal pots to be replanted in the ground in fall 2023: it is the easiest way to get larger plants through the growing season 2023 and through summer heat. IF you are not sure that you are able to weed them when grass grows very faster or to water them when it is so very hot, please follow this advice!! This way You will have very large plants in the fall and can safely plant them into the ground after the hot season finished and you have nice temperatures and enough rain water! DO Not mulch plant base (1 ft for 1 gal pots) or mulch it like 1/3 of inch! Mulch in winter or in early spring when the plant got established and looks healthy.

Our plants are well shaped and they will give lots of new growth next spring and summer, being tissue cultured/ viruses indexed! All our plants are the best varieties and in perfect shape, VIGOROUSLY growing!

Blueberry bushes belong in every home garden! Not only do they produce deliciously sweet and healthful fruits, but the four to six-foot shrubs make beautiful landscape plants. Have a smaller space? No problem. Choose a blueberry bush of the dwarf variety and plant it in a container. Gurney's Seed & Nursery Co. carries a wide selection of blueberry plants for sale to suit your space.

Gurney's carries many different varieties of large and small blueberry bushes. Our team of experienced horticulturists search every year for the best new varieties, and before any variety is sold, we grow and test it on our farm in Ohio. We plant each blueberry plant variety in a manner that mimics home gardening conditions, ensuring no plant requires excessive effort. We then study and test how the blueberry bush holds up to pests and stressors like inclement weather, as well as their flavor, level of growing difficulty, yield, and appearance. If a plant doesn't meet our standards, we don't sell it to our customers.

First-year plants rarely produce fruit, and it's actually better in the long run if they don't. It's also important to note that having multiple varieties of blueberries planted together is ideal for optimal pollination. Though all of our blueberry plants are self-fruitful, they will produce better crops and higher yields if more than one variety is planted.

Southern Highbush blueberries are not as hardy as northern varieties. They have lower chill-hour requirements and bloom earlier. These blueberry bushes are more tolerant of heat and drought and show greater resistance to disease and insect pests. This variety is best suited for the Southeast, Mid-Atlantic, lower Midwest, Southern California, and Pacific Northwest areas.

The Lowbush blueberry plant is native to the northeastern United States and eastern Canada. This variety is commonly found in your grocery store's freezer thanks to its intense blueberry flavor. Lowbush blueberry bushes prefer very acidic, shallow soil.

This variety of blueberry bush can grow up to 20 feet tall and thrives best in hardiness zones seven to nine. They require fewer chill hours and bloom earlier than northern varieties. Rabbiteye blueberry bushes are tolerant of more alkaline soils, are easy to grow, and are more resistant to disease and insect pests.

Blueberries are truly a wonderful addition to any yard or garden. The flavor of the fruit and the three-season color and beauty is unbeatable. It is important to know before starting your journey with blueberries bushes, that they do require patience. Planting Blueberry BushesBlueberry plants are most often grown in the ground but also grow quite nicely in containers if you're short on yard space. Growing blueberries is fairly easy as long as you follow a few requirements. Consult the list of varieties above to see which type of plant will be better suited for your growing conditions and follow the instructions below to grow your blueberry bush.

If possible, get your soil ready a year ahead of planting your blueberry bush. Blueberry bushes prefer more acidic soil with a pH of about five. Good drainage, fertilization, and sulfur can help blueberries tolerate more alkaline soil, however. A soil test can help determine the pH of your soil. Peat moss and pine bark tilled into a mounded bed helps lower soil pH if needed. 041b061a72


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