30 years later
I met Dr. Pit after 30 years at the Barnes Foundation in Philadelphia. Responding to my email, he agreed to meet me, and although our...
I met Dr. Pit after 30 years at the Barnes Foundation in Philadelphia. Responding to my email, he agreed to meet me, and although our...
Went to the Glenstone Museum today with the missus and met Pam. Had a great time and good wine. Pam surprised me by gifting us a...
We went to the Mayan Peninsula during winter vacations once. As we left home a few days before Christmas, I suggested to my 10 year old...
We were at the Korean store recently - my son and I. He reminded me of a trick I’d pulled on him at this store when he was in junior...
রেল গাড়ি ছোটে সারা দিন রাত জীবন ছোটে, ছোটে মাঠ ঘাট হামাগুড়ি এল স্মৃতি শুরু হলো খেলতে দুলতে হাঁটতে চলতে হ জ ব র ল বলতে বলতে ইতিহাস যায়,...
আছে তরঙ্গ আমারই অঙ্গ সে তো নেই এই তটে সাগর আছে সুদূর গগনে যুগল রেখা কাটে আমি একাকী, চিৎকার হাঁকি কোথায় তোমায় হেরি গর্জন আসে ঢেউয়ের...
We were in the second grade. Leslie Cornelius and Deepak, who sat side by side, accidentally bumped heads. Deepak, a Bengali Hindu kid,...
My 26 year old works for Northrop Grumman. He got an email asking him to click on a link and select a size if he wanted a Northrop...
I went to Sears to buy a pair of eyeglasses. An optometrist checked my eyes for prescription lenses. ”Are you left handed,“ he asked....
I wanted to buy one of the lamps above. She said NO! The rest is herstory. She shook her head throughout the following conversation: I:...
One of my neighbors was an African American Doctor. We invited him for dinner occasionally and once I asked him a lot of questions about...
Early in my professional career, I worked hard and I worked long hours. When my annual appraisal arrived, I noticed that I did not get a...
I joined my first job in the US at the AT&T Headquarters in Basking Ridge, New Jersey. Later that week, I rented a room in a home on...
When we first arrived on these shores, we had to be cost conscious. Aloke da was more so. He had to buy a car and decided to get a new...
The street lights were still on. He was taking a morning walk in a small campus town, inhaling the fresh November air deeply. Golden...
Homecoming Expectations: - Front gate of house will be opened on arrival - Warm food and cold beer will greet them as they enter, and for...
Have you been on a moonlight picnic? On a full moon night? In a meadow? It is truly magical. There is no other word for the panorama....
My missus loves the small bananas on the left. She will not touch the longer bananas on the right, typically available at all American...
Tapa was my father’s Man Friday for 10 years till 2011. He called today (in Feb 2022, from India using WA) to tell me his mom passed...
I assumed our Priests would have lunch at mid-day. My deadline was to get them lunch (orzo, daikon and mushrooms) by 11:30am. Grocery...